Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bad Day

It seems like we have been so busy lately that I have just not had time to just stop and breathe, so our family took some time to do that today.  However, the day was anything but restful, but it did bring things to light that needed to be brought to light.  It has been an exhausting, tearful day.  One of my children had some situations that needed to be talked about and addressed.  He was having an issue with me only he did not tell me.  I am glad he opened up to his dad and we cleared up some issues.  It was good to repair a relationship-- I just wish I knew it needed repaired earlier.  Then some things over the last week also touched some areas where I am still in need of healing in my relationship with Vic and just things within me.  What a day!!!  I am glad things will return to being at least partially normal tomorrow.

I have no insights or wisdom to share just some settling time needed to be spent here.  I am now ready to enter sweet slumber and give in to this exhaustion.  Good night!!!

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